Portfolio 1 of 5

Kodachrome Transparencies by John Neville Cohen

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Plate 1

Plate 2

Spirit of Spring

Spirit of Spring

Trudy Cohen

Plate 4

Butterfly country

Butterfly Country



Time & Motion

Plate 8



Chequered by John Neville Cohen

Plate 10

Betty Cohen

Plate 11

Cygnet by John Neville Cohen


Silken Smile by John Neville Cohen

Silken Smile

Galatea in Bronze


Through the looking glass by John Neville Cohen

Through the Looking Glass
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The original transparencies are of a much higher quality than these images.

Asian antiques, Limited edition prints, photography, Jacey Cinema history, Jensen CV8 – 541S, Postage Stamp Album, Netsuke, Snuff Bottles, Jade

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#projectionphotography #specialeffects #Kodachrome #photography #paintingwithlight #film #portraits #johnnevillecohen #analoguephotography #Conceptual #Surreal #Dramatic #Fantasy #Expressionist #artisticphotography #lightpainting #visualarts

'Painting with Light' Limited Edition Prints Are Now Available


All images and text, within this site, are copyright and may not be copied, other than for personal reference, without written permission from John Neville Cohen.  ©1960 John N. Cohen