He is no longer the Manager of the Marbella branch, but now acts for clients all around the Costa del Sol, and he has promised us that he will be prepared to always look after our banking requirements.

Juan Nunez

Juanje and Eva Nunez

We were surprised and so pleased to be invited to his wedding, it was a lovely affair in Malaga, and we were made so welcome, this was our first Spanish wedding!

Our impressions so far of the Spanish people we have got to know, is that they are so kind and helpful, very tactile and a pleasure to be with.

It is true to say Trudy and I have never had difficulties in making new friends, wherever we are, even though we are no longer so young.

Golden Wedding in Venice

Venice 50th Anniversary

For our Golden wedding, we did not want to go so far, instead we flew to Venice as Trudy had never been there and stayed in a lovely hotel the 'Nani Mocenigo Palace'. We did the usual tours and enjoyed an opera evening, in another palace where after each interval, we all went into another room, it was quite an experience, so much more intimate than in an opera house.

We were lucky to have gone to see it before the awful floods that happened a few months after our visit.

Our Hotels and Marmalade

We have really enjoyed living in Marbella where the weather is sunny and hot most of the year, and the Spanish are so friendly.

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