Trudy's Birthday We have continued to avoid being near too many people and have only eaten out occasionally but for Trudy's Birthday we did go out for a fabulous meal at 'El Cortijo de Ramiro' in Guadalmina.

Happy Birthday Meal

Happy Birthday with Ramiro

It was great to find Ramiro again, he had catered for some of Mum and Dad's large parties, and it was nice that he remembered them after so many years. Having not eaten out much over the last two years, this was even more of a treat, and we shared the Chateaubriand, which was superb as was everything we had.

I confess that I did mention that it was Trudy's Birthday when I booked our table, so after the main course the staff came singing 'happy birthday' and they had put a candle in the middle of the Creme Brulé, which was to be my desert, but presented to Trudy first. We were also surprised by the number of people, that we did not know from nearby tables, which came to wish Trudy happy birthday before leaving.

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