A Cat Delays Us
Our Drive was a particularly beautiful one as we had blue skies all the way and there was so much snow on all the mountains, this together with the wildflowers near the motorway that included red poppies amongst lots of yellow and mauve flowers were such a delight! Our hotel and restaurants were excellent, but we had one amusing incident on our last day.
We tend to stop every couple of hours to stretch our legs, go to the toilet, or to have a coffee and a snack. It was at one of these stops, having crossed the border into Switzerland, that we sat at a table where a black cat had made itself comfortable on one of the chairs opposite us. it looked very healthy and quite a few people seemed to know it and came to make a fuss of it.
Anyway, I went to buy us a couple of Mille Feuille and whilst I was away Trudy had talked to it when suddenly it got up and walked across the table on to her lap, and snuggled against her and ended up lying on her lap and then promptly went to sleep!
The staff came over to have a look and were quite astonished, they told us the cat was female and had been with them 3 years and they had never seen her do that before. Apparently, she allowed everyone to stroke her, or to feed her, but never let anyone pick her up, and certainly never went to sit with anyone.
We didn't like to disturb her, so, that lovely cat caused us a delay, and we couldn't get on our way! But we were also sad to leave her behind.

Trudy with her new friend