The total cost of all these amounts to about : $593,100,000. Enough to feed the entire population of Gaza for at least two years.
Israel – Hamas
I am writing this on 16th July 2024
The Hamas terrorists have consistently violated the international law, by using hospitals, schools, mosques, to fire rockets, store weapons, and use the civilian population as human shields. The huge number of rockets have always been aimed at civilians. The blatant disregard of international law should have raised serious ethical and legal concern!
The UNWRA hospitals and school facilities in Gaza have been found to contain tunnel shafts, weapon storage, and books teaching hatred and incitement against Jews and Israelis to even very young children. Hamas had a high end electronic control centre with communication and electric cables directly from under the UNWRA’s Gaza headquarters. None of this could have been done without their knowledge. The UNWRA refugee camp schools is where they bred Palestinian murderers. Lots of evidence of hundreds of young children having been brain washed and trained how to kill at Askar is on record, but there are 19 more!
Through lies and misinformation Hamas has perpetuated false narratives about the numbers of women and children killed and the starvation suffered, published and broadcast without due diligence have fuelled antisemitism worldwide.
The impact of these lies should not be underestimated and addressing them is crucial for fostering understanding and peace.
Perhaps when the truth comes out from the following actions things will change. The dreadful sadistic acts were even worse than the Nazi crimes because the Nazi were ashamed and tried to hide what had been done. But Hamas filmed everything and then celebrated with their families every Jewish death.
The US Justice Department and FBI agents have been interviewing survivors and families affected by the barbaric murders on 7th October. They are building a case against Hamas and its financial backers.
The Israeli organization Shurat Hadin has filed a petition with the High Court in Washington on behalf of thousands of families who have lost loved ones.
Over 8,000 Israelis are suing the US government for funding UNRWA, which is a terrorist organization. Last year, the USA provided UNRWA with $422 million, despite the American anti-terrorism law. Demands for the permanent shutdown of UNRWA have intensified due to its obvious ties to Hamas.
Additionally, lawsuits have been filed against certain countries, including Iran, Qatar, Syria, Lebanon, and North Korea, seeking a total of $4 billion in damages for their involvement. Some of the weapons used on 7th October have been traced back to North Korea.
Significant tunnels, big enough for large lorries to drive through, have now been discovered under Rafah, which were used for smuggling arms into Gaza from Egypt.
Stupidly, some European countries, such as Ireland, Spain, France, Norway, and Sweden, have recognised a Palestinian state, even though it does not officially exist. This act does no more than reward and encourage terrorism!