Also, we have not restricted ourselves to having only Jewish friends and have found many close friends with other beliefs. My view is that it is the type of person that matters, so much more, than how religious they might be!

Paul Morby

Paul Morby, a BBC TV producer, had contacted me after I had won the London Salon Trophy and we first met during my exhibition at the Midlands Art Centre. He was an enthusiastic photographer and so impressed with my photography. Having a common interest, we soon became good friends, so much so, that he did all our wedding photography.

Paul is a great character always very amusing and charming. I was so delighted when he agreed to do our wedding photography. I later learnt that he had been most concerned, being aware of my own expertise, but I was also told that he was also proud to have been invited to do it.

He need not have worried, as he did an excellent job and provided us with a wonderful record and some beautiful studies.

I have kept an amusing letter from Paul, after he had seen the electric plugs in Woodbourne Rd. Apparently, they were almost unique, and he was not able to obtain any for his lighting, so he asked me to prepare some extension cables that he would be able to connect to, but in such a funny way. He signed it "I salute you in Pernod, Paul."

Returning to Hamilton Avenue

We had been looking for a house, for quite some time, before we found 62 Hamilton Avenue, we had spent our first years of marriage living in a 'Woodbourne' flat in Augustus Road (the name Woodbourne was confusing as Woodbourne Road becomes Augustus Road, after the Westfield Road crossing) here we were very close to Mum and Dad. We continued living there for a further 9 months, having bought sixty-two, whilst we carried out major structural improvements and finally, we moved in 1972. Strange in one way, because before Mum and Dad moved into Grandpa's house in Woodbourne Road, they had lived in Hamilton Avenue at number 71, on the other side of the road, not far from 62 and I had lived there until I was about five years old. It was always considered one of the nicest roads in Harborne.

The House Grandpa built - Woodbourne Road

The House Built by Joseph Cohen, Woodbourne Rd +R

I worked out all the structural alterations myself and created plans of how we visualised it all for the builders to use and Trudy dealt with all the decor. However, we really worked it all out together and were a good team!

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