Attending University

Having left school as soon as I could, never thinking I would ever attend any University, it is strange how such unexpected things happen. I did attend two courses, by invitation that both fascinated me. The first was all due to Paul Morby, who after leaving the BBC became head of TV, Film, Video Production and Photography at the Edgbaston Birmingham University.

Paul invited me to 'sit in' for two terms and as I had very little work coming in at that time, I decided it was worth doing. I found it very interesting, especially to have hands on experience with all the superb equipment they have there.

Another very interesting time was spent at the University of Central England. Again, by invitation! Tim Harris although unknown to me, had been to some of my exhibitions.

I was very intrigued about the new digital photography I had heard about, and I wanted to find out more about the possibilities. I think it was Paul who told me to contact Tim.

I did eventually, it was difficult as he travelled extensively, but once we met, I was surprised to learn that he knew of me. I was soon invited to spend some time with him on Campus. Again, I was amazed at the equipment they had there. Tim was the head of the department and involved with Kodak on research into digital systems. I ended up spending several days with him, explaining to me all that was new and about Photoshop. This was when I first learnt too about the PhotoCD product that was soon to be released.

Neighbourhood Watch

I was involved in the formation of the Neighbourhood Watch Committee for two of the most sort after roads in Harborne; Fitzroy Avenue and Hamilton Avenue, consisting of nearly 200 houses. I was elected and served as the Chairman for a couple of years, and we had a good relationship with the local police, we were very successful, as we reduced robberies dramatically and the other benefit was that we enjoyed meeting each other. Before this, we had only known our closest neighbours, since most of us lived in large houses where everyone simply drove in and out without meeting each other.

Selling Insurance

But when times were really hard, I joined Sun Alliance selling insurance for a while (on the basis that I would only work part time) this was not something that I was keen to do, but I needed to find a way of saving my studio, whilst times were so hard. There had been talk about the fact that lots of businesses had started, or had come to the jewellery quarter, which were not jewellery related.

Jewellery Quarter Business Club

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