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An Interview


John Neville Cohen

Country: Spain

Photography Artist

(from top to bottom)

Beauty Is

Spirit of Spring

Butterfly Country

"Art Galleries refer to me as a photographer, but photographers refer to me as an Artist!" 

Painting With Light - John Neville Cohen Photography

I was a keen amateur photographer and around the age of 23 (1963), I invented and perfected a very different technique. It was based on the idea of photographing projected images that were projected on to other things, sometimes more than one projector was used.  This was at a time when no one owned computers.

For most of my life I was involved in business and photography was just my hobby. However for the last 15 years, before I retired, I became professional and ran a successful photographic design studio.

Now having retired I have worked with many of my old transparencies in Photoshop and created these limited edition pictures (only 8 of each will be sold).

What type of art do you produce? 
Pictures based on fantasy, that I feel make quite a statement! 

Why do you create art? 

I just have to! 

Do you have influences for your photography manipulations?
Not really, I mainly follow my own instincts. 

Do you make a living with your art? 

Trying to, I have started in probably the worse possible time, the financial world is in turmoil and money is in short supply, so not too many people are buying contemporary artist's works that are not famous just now.

What are your main themes for photography artworks? 

Beautiful woman and nature influence me most, but I try to find a different way to use what I see to create something unseen before.  I try to be original, I want to inspire, surprise and intrigue.  But in a beautiful way, there is too much of the depressing type of images from war and deprivation surrounding us in the news all the time.

How often do you create art? 
It varies, inspiration tends to come when one least expects it.  What I have found is that sometimes, not always, when working on an idea an accidental blending of images, will catch my eye and this sends me down a different route to a totally different concept.  If this happens I have always pursued it and most often the resulting creation has turned out to be one of my best!

How have you been promoting your photographic art? 

I am relatively new to promoting my art.  I have participated in art fairs and published my pictures in various Internet sites.

What advice would you can give to emerging and aspiring artists? 

I cannot give advice really, as I have only started relatively recently.  But I belief if you have faith in what you create, you must continue, even if you are not getting recognition.  Providing you have another way of earning an income. 

Thank-you John Neville Cohen!

Much more of John’s photography art may be viewed at:

Artist John Cohen




20th February 2012

Painting With Light

The Introduction
Sir George F. Pollock

Reviews, Awards &
Past Exhibitions

New Digital Pictures

Articles by John Neville Cohen

Colour Possibilities for Art Consultants and Interior Designers

Abstract Pictures

Slide Show


The Terms of Purchase

Contact John



Press Release Information

John's Art Links
