Our babysitter used to tell us that at least five minutes before we arrived home, late at night, he would suddenly wake up and jump up onto the window ledge looking out for us.




The other funny thing, that we had never seen before, was that we used to lean back together on our settee to watch TV and Winnie would join us and would lean backwards against the settee copying our position!

We decided not to have any more pets after Winnie, because of our new lifestyle, that involved so much travelling by car and then two months spent in each country, it just was not practical. However, we have had a lot of visits by local neighbour's cats in Switzerland, they came to have some affection, and often for a little nap on my lap.

We only fed one with little treats, the other two still came (even though we never fed them) just less frequently.

A Wild Baby Rabbit

Whilst at La Alcazaba, a few years ago we found a wild baby rabbit in the gardens below our balcony, our neighbour Johanna had seen it and told us about it, so we went down to have a look. It seemed completely lost, so we took it in, and decided to make enquiries to try to find the owner. But no one knew anything about it. So, for a couple of weeks we kept it and fed it. It was so affectionate, and we decided we would have to try to find a loving home for it. The only work he gave us was finding and removing all the little droppings in our flat! Our daughter Michelle and our granddaughter Melissa were staying with us and all of us took turns at having a cuddle, also my mother Betty loved having him too.

A wild baby rabbit called cuddles

A Wild Baby Rabbit Called 'Cuddles'

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