This was done about three times, but each time the speed was increased.

Next there were two white columns (on either side of the screen) representing two roads within each was a black line, nearly as wide as the column, this represented the car. Once started each column snaked in all directions independently, and by turning the handles the idea was to keep both black lines within the columns. Each time the black line touched the border edge of the white column, a buzzer sounded. I was allowed a short trial run. Then I was told it would run for a good two minutes and could go faster towards the end.

I confess I was nervous because the buzzer sounded about five times, and I thought however will we manage if I fail, as Trudy was no longer at ease driving our car. It was such a relief when I was told I had passed. I mentioned my concern, having heard the buzzer so many times, but was told I had done well as many others had it buzzing far more often!

Travel - Closed Borders

Covid-19 virus continued to get worse early in 2021, as those infected had risen higher than ever before! The complications with the state borders of Spain, France, and Switzerland, made it too difficult for us to plan our return to Switzerland. Even within the various regions of Spain, very tight restrictions were imposed locally, some of them closed their municipal borders, and these could change at a day's notice, the decisions were made according to the number of deaths.

Whilst the borders were closed, anyone that was allowed into a country (only possible with the required documents) would then have to stay 10 days quarantined in a hotel close to the border. This would be expensive, and there are three virus tests that had to be done, on specific days, all at a lot of extra cost! No one was allowed to leave, and all meals had to be taken in the bedroom.

Unfortunately, the Covid-19 virus had been evolving into new strains, some were more easily transmitted! So, we had not been able to drive back to Winterthur for such a long time, and we had been afraid to do so, without being vaccinated.

We were registered as residents in April 2021 (it had taken 4 months), we were then able to be vaccinated by the Spanish National Health Service and we had the first one in May, the second, in early June. It had been quite impossible to have it privately.

Josephine’s 100th Birthday


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