Postage Stamp Collecting
Little People
A Different, Original
Way of Collecting
Concept & Design
George and Betty Cohen
Watercolour Paintings by
Richard Hillman (a Good Friend).
Please click on any picture below to see a
larger picture.
Then use the right of the picture
to see the
next picture, or the left side, to go to the previous one.

The Album
Cover and Slip in Case |

Page 01

Page 02
About Little People

Page 03
The Very Beginning

Page 04
Mother and Child

Page 05
Gain in Weight

Page 06
When Baby Tires

Page 07
First Footsteps

Page 08
The Seasons

Page 09
Happy Birthday

Page 10
Sunny Days

Page 11
Nursery Rhymes

Page 12
First Birthday Photographs

Page 13
The Picnic

Page 14
Fairy Band

Page 15
Pick an Apple

Page 16
Christmas Party

Page 17
Ten Little Black Boys

Page 18
Outdoor Sports |

Page 19
April Showers |

Page 20
Wild Animals

Page 21
All The Fun of the Fair

Page 22

Page 23
Good Night
My late father George
Cohen having enjoyed postage stamp collecting for a number of years, came up
with this very different idea, having realised how his friend the late Richard
Hillman could paint such wonderfully detailed paintings.
Richard had painted,
just for fun, a copy of one of Dad's mounted stamps so perfectly, that it was
only when one tried to lift a corner that one discovered that it was not a real
He used at times, a
single haired brush to achieve the finest of detail.
See The First Ideas and
Planning of
this Album
Richard and George in
due course created some wonderful stamp album collections, Such as 'The
Coronation Series', The 1935 Silver Jubilee Series', Egypt and several
Later, together
with my late mother Betty Cohen (around 1948 when I was eight years old),
they worked on ideas for this album 'Postage Stamps for Little People' that was
dedicated to me. The collected stamps would complete the pictures.
There is a Pathe
Pictorial video (from 1956) still available that shows some of
the Albums including this one, here is a link to it: -
News Film About George and Betty Cohen's
Stamp Collection
All images and
text, within this site, are copyright and may not be copied, other than for
personal reference, without written permission from John Neville Cohen.

this site just click on the above banner logo to return to my homepage)
To John Neville Cohen's dedicated site for Painting with Light Limited
edition (only 8 of each)
picture, fine art prints for sale.
Articles for New Collectors
(Author John
Cohen) Invaluable
help for collectors of Asian antiques. How to buy and avoid the most
common mistakes, when buying antiques, particularly netsuke, inro,
snuff bottles and jade.
The Cohen
Asian antiques
(645 colour photos of fine Japanese and Chinese antique; netsuke, inro, ojime, snuff bottles, pendants & jade carvings)
all fully
described by renowned experts Neil K. Davey + Robert Hall. An essential
reference work for the serious collector that is beautiful and very
easy to use.
Cohen & The History of Jacey Cinemas
Information on our family business created by my Grandfather Joseph Cohen.
Classic Jensen Cars
(Author John Neville
informative about the rare Jensen 541S & CV8 sports cars,
particularly about the little known superb Jensen 541S manual drive, a
classic car with lots of photos.
Free or Royalty Free Stock Photographs
These are very low cost 18MB photographs that will not
'Special Effects' Course
John Neville Cohen) Amazing to
see what can be done in pure photography without any expensive
equipment, computer, or darkroom. All is achieved with a projector
- the magical 'Magic Lantern'. All details of this extraordinary
technique is clearly explained and all for free!
Poetic Portfolio
Fascinating photographic exhibition of 'The Magic Lantern' award winning
'special effect' photographs by
John Neville Cohen.
Alcazaba Apartment in Puerto Banus
For Sale
Outstanding 3 double
bedroom apartment, all on one level, for sale at La Alcazaba, Puerto
Banus, Marbella, Spain.
Investment Opportunities
Opportunities, Property items for Sale.
Commercial Photography
Professional photography and graphic design by Actuality photodigital.
Postage Stamps For Little People
See all the pages and paintings for a unique way of collecting stamps.
The Planning & Paintings
for The Album
Shows the first sketches and paintings and an amusing
Monroe, Sir Michael Balcon,
Arthur Miller, Cecil Day-Lewis & Daniel Day- Lewis
The not so distant famous relatives of the
Bind side of John's family.
John Neville
Cohen's blog
Stamp Collecting, Postage Stamps for
Little People, George Cohen, Betty Cohen, Richard Hillman, Postage Stamps,
Collecting, Stamp Album.