He arranged that I could use a studio, together with a 35mm projector and a camera for a day in London. I did a series of tests and found it worked quite easily. Later the early James Bond films used my method to create the film credits.

Sir George Pollock
Sir George contacted me, telling me he was fascinated with my photography and asked if we could meet up in London (this was after I won The London Salon Trophy), which we did, and we soon became friends.

We exhibited together and he joined me, when I opened the very first gallery of photography in the UK, at our Galleries in Marble Arch I called it simply 'The Viewfinder Gallery.' He had a very dry sense of humour, and I was so pleased when he kindly wrote the introduction for me for my planned book 'The Magic Lantern'.

Sir George was a solicitor, but had retired to concentrate on photography, as he had found a way to make colourful abstracts by lighting large pieces of smashed glass, full of fractures, that he lit from different angles using coloured celluloid.

He then had lots of different possibilities by focusing into different depths of the glass and adjusting the angle of the lights to form his pictures. He called them 'Vitrographs,’ and they were very dramatic!

He won many awards especially for his invented equipment to produce AV shows, well before any computers. Sir George had a string of letters after his name (all well-earned) and he became the President of 'The Royal Photographic Society' and the Chairman of 'The London Salon of Photography,' he also served on the Council of 'The Royal Society of Arts'. See the Obituary for Sir George

Meeting Trudy

Whilst in London one weekend, planning to meet up with friends, I had driven to see Martin at his home in Ossulton Way, Hampstead and this was when I was to meet the girl I would marry.

Trudy Cohen Fehr

Trudy Cohen Fehr


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